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4A002MH5 SANYO 05+ MCPH5 1500
48AD SOT23-5 3500
4887716K01 IBM 02+ SOT353 3000
4816P-001-22A RESASTANCE 9324+ RESASTANCE 991
4816P-001-220 04+ resistance 3491
48010TORAB38KY-DB LUCENT 0019+ QFP 169
48010TORAB38KY AGERE 0125+ QFP 31
47XX SOT23-6 2000
454J SOT23-5 130
454D SOT23-5 1500
453V SOT23-5 400
453U SOT23-5 700
453T SOT23-5 650
453S SOT23-5 130
453F SOT23-5 3500
4431 Semtech SOT23-5 1300
43XX SOT23-6 50000
43U02 SOT223 140
4380025 BGA 9
4380009 BGA 12
4371005 BGA 6


Address:505room.5building.Zhongfu garden.Fumin road.Shenzhen   TEL:755 83802294